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ASC International Meet ... 2007
South Bend, Indiana

We want to thank Rex and Pam Miltenberger of Niles, Michigan for organizing this years National Meet. Another great job!


This year the National Meet was hosted by the Studebaker museum.

This year, the ASC National Meet was held in conjunction with the Studebaker Drivers Club. The Swap meet was held at the St. Joseph County 4-H Fair Grounds.

  On Wednesday, the Antique Studebaker Club held its annual National Meet auction. The auction was held at the Studebaker National Museum. Richard Dormois has been a member of the Antique club for many years. Richard always has volunteered his expertise as auctioneer. Thanks Richard for the stories and a great job.

Your ASC Board Meeting.


Late Wednesday afternoon, all of the Clubs were invited and had the option of a private tour of the Administration building. The Admin building was originally built Studebaker in 1907. As you can see, many of the original features are still here but many changes and updates have been made over the years.
The City of South Bend is presently talking with a company to take over the building and plans are being made to update and bring it up to city codes.
Let is all hope that this may hold off the wrecking ball for a few years as it has a wonderful history.   


It's Friday morning and the group is up early and getting ready to go on tour. This year the group went to Michigan City to visit the Ragtop Museum. This is a private collection of cars made up mainly of convertibles. The Club then entered a hall next door for the dinner and awards presentations.



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  This site owned by the A.S.C Webmaster
             and with the help from The Southern California Chapter.